
Equality & Diversity

Ambient Support takes positive action regarding the employment, retention, training and career development of employees with disabilities.

All employees of Ambient Support are expected to treat disabled colleagues with the same dignity and respect as their non-disabled colleagues.

Any form of harassment or discrimination towards a member of staff with a disability will be taken very seriously at Ambient Support and could be looked upon as possible grounds for disciplinary action.

Disability user symbol

Ambient Support recognises the Disability User Symbol and agrees to comply with the five commitments of the Disability User symbol. Consequently, Ambient Support will:

  • Seek to ensure there is a mechanism in place to discuss at any time, but at least once a year, with disabled employees what can be done to make sure they can develop and use their abilities.
  • If an employee develops a disability, make every effort to help them stay in employment.
  • Act to ensure that all employees develop the appropriate level of disability awareness needed to make these commitments work.
  • Each year to review the five commitments and what has been achieved, plan ways to improve on them and let employees and Jobcentre Plus know about progress and future plans.

The Five Commitments are: 

  • Ensure recruitment processes are inclusive and accessible
  • Communicate and promote vacancies
  • Offer an interview to disabled people
  • Anticipate and provide all reasonable adjustments as required
  • Support any existing employee who acquires a disability or long-term health condition, enabling them to stay in work.

Recruitment and selection

All disabled applicants who meet the minimum criteria for a job vacancy will be granted an interview and we will consider them based on their abilities. Ambient Support will work with Government backed support schemes through Job Centres and Learn Direct to facilitate the employment of those who are long term unemployed and have a disability.

Training for selection panels at Ambient Support will cover the requirements of the Equality Act 2010 and Disability User Symbol.

Consideration will be given to any reasonable adjustments which may be necessary and appropriate at the interview stage, including those which allow the use of technology which would assist the interview process.

Current and new employees

Ambient Support will make any reasonable adjustments to the workplace and to employment arrangements to ensure that a disabled person is not at any disadvantage when compared to a non-disabled person. Ambient Support will make any reasonable changes which may include altering working hours, furniture and access to equipment and additional training. This list is not exhaustive, however, and other adjustments will be considered if necessary.

Support will be given on an ongoing basis with regular assessments of whether an individual needs are being met. Disabled staff will have the same access to training and development as non-disabled staff. Where appropriate, specialist training will be made available to allow staff to develop their skills and exploit all career opportunities available. Venues and methods used will also be appropriate for someone with a disability. When an existing Ambient Support employee becomes disabled, the company will take all reasonable steps to facilitate their continued employment.

Disability support scheme

Staff at Ambient Support who have a disability (as defined under the Equality Act) have the opportunity to see ongoing support under the Ambient Support Disability Support Scheme for staff. Eligible staff can apply to the scheme which works with the individual to identify:

  • The nature and extent of the disability (if not already known).
  • The type and nature of reasonable additional support that may be required (e.g. additional equipment or changes in working practices).
  • Any specific development opportunities that might be put in place to enable disabled employees to more fully utilise their abilities and skills.
  • Any communication or action required in terms of the individuals working relationship with their staff team.
  • Set regular review dates with local management and an HR representative.

Monitoring and review

Monitoring of staff who have a disability as defined under the Equality Act will take place by means of inviting staff to identify that they have a disability and what the disability is once they have been appointed. The information will be kept in confidence in the HR information system which assists with reviewing the employment of disabled people. Reports will be made to the Board on a regular basis as part of an overall report on Diversity Management within the Ambient Support Group.

To talk to us about what you need and how we can help, please get in touch.

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