Quality and Service ExcellenceOur aim is to ensure we deliver the highest quality of service for our beneficiaries, be a provider of choice to our sector partners and deliver services that are good value for those who purchase or commission our services.What does Quality mean to Ambient?Our Quality Team have worked with the people that use our services to clearly define what quality means to Ambient:Safe: We act with integrity and compassion to keep people safe, protected from abuse and avoidable harm.Effective: We provide care and support that has a positive impact and good outcomes that helps people maintain quality of life based on the best available evidence.Caring: Staff are kind, tolerant inclusive and friendly, treating people with compassion, dignity and respect. We work to create happy environments where people can flourish and grow.Responsive: Services are innovative, organised and person centred so they support people in the way they want to be supported. We make sure we have two way communications.Well-led: The leadership, management and governance of the charity is inspirational making sure it provides high quality care based around individual need, encouraging continuous improvement in an honest, accountable and transparent cultureA strategy for improvementWe have developed a clear strategy for how we will improve the quality of our services. It clearly articulates our ambition to be a beacon of excellence and move from position of being good to great.Quality runs through the Ambient Way, ensuring we offer safe, effective, caring and responsive care and support, under leadership which promotes a supportive and enabling culture and continuous improvement. Involvement is equally important. Every person who engages with us has the chance to participate in their care in a way that makes sense to them. We have an award-winning team of people who use our services called The Ambient Guardians. They work alongside our Quality Team and discuss quality issues affecting our charity, sharing ideas and making sure good practice is embedded across our services.Sharing learning to drive improvementWe use our annual staff and People We Support survey to review feedback from people we support and our Ambient team, as well as feedback from family and professionals who work with us.We have a real-time reporting system for all incidents, alerts and near misses, so that learning can take place as quickly as possible and be shared across the whole organisation.Our Quality Team, alongside our Ambient Guardians work together to identify concerns, review learning and recommendations and agree actions. Along with our other governance mechanisms this ensures we:Deliver against the quality and safety standards identified by national regulators and local commissioners of services.Develop integrated services, ensuring that we provide the right care, in the right place, at the right time.Ensure that we are proactive in preventing errors and learn from mistakes.Ensure the best value for the people we support within the resources available.Support staff in their training and development to ensure that they are equipped to deliver high quality care.Ensure the findings and recommendations from national reports are fully acted upon throughout Ambient Support.Implement national guidance as appropriate and monitor complianceAmbient Support is accredited by several quality and safety organisations and involved in a number of other initiatives in this area:Think Local Act PersonalContractors Health & Safety (CHAS)Driving Up Quality CodeAmbient Support is also a member of the following organisations:National Care Forum (NCF)Voluntary Organisations Disability Group (VODG) Driving Up QualityOrganisations who provide support for people with learning disabilities have signed up to an initiative called the Driving Up Quality Code, to ensure they aim beyond minimum standards to improve the lives of people in their care. The Driving Up Quality Alliance, which is provider-led, has taken action and developed the code in response to the abuse of people with learning disabilities at Winterbourne View Care Home in 2011, to ensure this can never happen again.The Driving Up Quality Code sets out 5 key areas that indicate the practices of a good organisation:Support is focused on the person.The person is supported to have an ordinary and meaningful life.Care and support focuses on people being happy and having a good quality of life.A good culture is important to the organisation.Managers and board members lead and run the organisation well.To talk to us about what you need and how we can help, please get in touch. To talk to us about what you need and how we can help, please get in touch. 020 8502 3933 hello@ambient.org.uk