Mark Milton, CEO of Ambient Support, joined the gathering with Regional Manager John Goree, and Director of Marketing & Communications, Davina Sellick.A videographer was also on hand to film the event, capturing the fun and laughter that was had by everyone during this interactive session.‘Get Connected’ is one of many opportunities for the people that use our service users to get involved, have their voices heard, and have their say about our charity and, the service and support they receive. The event involved a number of activities incorporating the use of technology that enabled those that took part to communicate their opinions and ideas as openly and easily as possible.The day began with an interactive survey, where people were each given a handset allowing them to select answers and vote on multiple choice questions anonymously. It was our first time using this this technology to survey a cohort of people in our Learning Disability services and proved to be a great success. The survey asked questions about satisfaction levels across all aspects of the support and care Ambient provides.There was also opportunity to ask Mark, Ambient’s CEO questions, or discuss subjects with him that service users and staff wanted to learn more about.We didn’t miss this chance to ask the important stuff during the survey, too, such as: What’s the best biscuit for dunking? Your favourite ‘fast food’ restaurant for a treat and the tastiest chocolate bar? Greatest superhero? Spider-Man won the latter round of voting and Mark did confess to owning a Superman outfit. He just didn’t happen to be wearing it under his suit that day.After lunch people were asked to create a dream schedule and give their ideas of what time truly well spent means for them. Using image cards, representing dozens of different activities, people chose and arranged these cards on Velcro boards to show exactly how they saw their perfect day panning out. For some it started with tea and biscuits, for others with a game of pool or a quick dip in the swimming pool. Bowling proved to be a favourite activity that people wanted to do more of, as well as trips out to the cinema. Our aim was to find out exactly what the people that use our services wishto do more of and what makes them feel happiest and fulfilled.To wrap up the event, everyone involved got together for a group photograph, which involved Ambient flags for waving, and plenty of cheering. It was a day relished by all, full of positivity, progression, laughter and demonstrative of Ambient’s passion for people.To talk to us about what you need and how we can help, please get in touch. 020 8502 3933