
Lincs care worker wins inaugural John Gorée Award

John Goree
Retired Regional Manager – John Goree

Support Worker, Gillian Cooper, has won the very first John Gorée Award which celebrates exceptional care and support delivered by an Ambient Support team member. Gillian was presented with a certificate by Tom Harrison, Director of Operations and Business Development and a gift of £500 at a surprise celebration on the 8th December 2021.

Ambient launched the John Gorée Awards in November 2021 as a way of honouring recently retired Regional Manager John following his 40-year career in social care. John has generously

donated £5,000 to Ambient to run the award scheme in his name over the next 10 years.

Staff and families were asked to nominate people working in direct care and support roles who exemplify the ‘Ambient Way’ and who truly live by the values of Ambient delivering personal care that allows the people that use their services to reach their full potential and lead their best lives.

John and Tom chose the winner from over 50 nominations received from across all of Ambient’s services.

John says:

“The level of entries was outstanding and it was incredibly inspiring to read so many wonderful nominations, especially given that it’s a new initiative.

 “We chose Gillian because she clearly demonstrated Ambient’s person-centred approach to care, specifically when she supported an individual to move from a service in London, where she had been for several decades, to her new home in Lincolnshire. Having spoken extensively with the persons’ family, Gillian realised that music was especially significant and by utilising it she not only empowered the person to start making choices in her life, but she also managed to help her overcome a long-standing refusal to vaccinate- and willingly have her Covid vaccinations.

“All through the move and settling in period, during the height of the pandemic, Gillian went above and beyond to keep in touch with the family to

reassure them, and also showed incredible kindness, patience and encouragement.

“I would like to congratulate Gillian on winning the inaugural John Gorée Award.”

 Tom Harrison delivered the award, £500 and the good news in a surprise visit, he says:

“It was an absolute pleasure to present Gillian with the inaugural John Gorée Award and to recognise Gill’s unwavering passion and care for the people she supports.

 “John has himself been a pioneer for change and transformation in social care and we are delighted to honour his dedication and outstanding achievements by way of creating this special and prestigious John Gorée Award.   

 A trail blazer for change, John introduced new ways of thinking and devised schemes and projects that deliver ‘person-centered care. This award, celebrates the people within Ambient who deliver care in the way that John championed for all those many years.”

 John Gorée’s career in social care began in 1982. In 2018 John took on Ambient’s Regional Management of Lincolnshire to add to his existing portfolio of services across the Midlands. John retired in April 2021.

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