
We’re passionate about quality and involvement

Measuring impacts and transforming lives

We are determined that all of Ambient’s services are the very best they can be, delivered in the most effective way possible. 

We measure the impact that we have on the people that use our services, the wider community in which services are delivered, and the staff teams that deliver them.

As part of our commitment to quality we capture these impacts in a variety of ways: 

    • An annual Service User Survey
  • Comprehensive audit visits to all our services
  • Client case studies
  • An annual Staff Satisfaction Survey
  • A continuous open complaints, suggestions and feedback procedure in all services

Armed with comprehensive feedback, we pro-actively adapt and develop our services in direct response to the needs of the people that work within them or receive support from them. We are also keen to initiate more formal co-production opportunities so that people who use services can shape how the charity will look in the future. 

Ambient has a team of Quality Checkers who are trained to monitor the quality of our services. They have expert understanding because they either receive support themselves, or have family members who do. Their feedback is a vital measure of the effectiveness of our services.

Involvement is equally important.

Every person who engages with us has the chance to participate in their care in a way that makes sense to them.

Our Involvement Strategy is based on direct feedback from the people using our services. It outlines: 

  • What people have told us they wish to be involved and
    have a say in
  • How they would like to have their say
  • What would make it easier for them to do so
  • What the plan is and how we can be sure it works

To talk to us about what you need and how we can help, please get in touch.

Great Place to Work Logo
Disability Confident logo
Mindful Employer logo
Driving up Quality logo
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Not for Profit Logo