
What’s happening at Ambient

Ambient’s commitment to safeguarding

Everyone we support has the right to feel safe and to live free from abuse and neglect. People have the right to be supported by caring and competent support teams and to feel safe and secure in their homes and communities.

How do Ambient keep people safe?

Keeping people safe is Ambient’s highest priority. Below are some examples of how we keep people safe:

  • All Ambient’s employees receive safeguarding training which includes:
    • How to prevent, recognise and stop the risks and experience of abuse or neglect.
    • What they need to do if they are worried a person is experiencing, or at risk of, abuse or neglect.
  • Ambient has clear policies and procedures in place that support employees to fulfil their legal obligations and follow best practice guidelines.
  • Ambient ‘s training and personalised approach to care, contribute to the delivery of safe & respectful care.

Watch our ‘See, Think, Tell’ video on reporting abuse

Who to contact if you have a concern

  • Naomi Atkinson, Director of Operations:
  • Vicky Morris, Head of Quality:
  • Samantha Downer, Divisional Director (South):
  • Rob Anscomb-Gates, Divisional Director (North):
  • Samantha Dunlop, Ambient’s ‘Speak Up’ Trustee:

If you don’t feel comfortable contacting an above named member of the Ambient team, you can email: hello@ambient.org.uk or call our general enquiry line: 0208 4181 822


What Ambient do if you share a concern about someone or report suspected abuse to us

  • We will take immediate action to keep the person/people safe.
  • We will report any safeguarding concern to the local authority.
  • If the person we support lives in a CQC (Care Quality Commission) registered home or service we will notify them.
  • Any suspected crime will be reported to the police.
  • We will involve the person and their circle of support in the safeguarding process
  • We will investigate the concern and take further action if needed.
  • If we have made a mistake, we will acknowledge it, say we are sorry and put things right so it doesn’t happen again.
  • We will learn from our mistakes and share the lessons learned within Ambient.
  • All safeguarding concerns, actions taken and lessons learned are reported to Ambient’s Trustees and Ambient’s Executive Team.

Contacting CQC

If you would like to go directly to the Care Quality Commission (CQC), you can call: 03000 616161 or visit their website.

Download Ambient’s Safeguarding literature

‘See, Think, Tell’ Reporting Abuse leaflet

‘See, Think, Tell’ Reporting Abuse poster

How to Report Abuse Easy Read

To request a copy of our Safe Guarding Policy in full or in an Easy Read format, email: hello@ambient.org.uk

To talk to us about what you need and how we can help, please get in touch.

We are super thrilled to announce that Ambient have secured places for runners to take part in the incredible London Land Mark Half Marathon in 2024!

We are looking for 10 volunteers to take to the streets  in April 2024 and run the whole 13 miles whilst raising much needed funds for Ambient in the process.

We have set an ambitious £7000 target for our team of runners and all the money raised will go towards improving the lives of the people that we support in services across the country.

If you think you have what it takes to run, run and keep on running…and would like to help support our worthy cause then please send us an email with your:

  • Name
  • Contact Details/Phone Number/Email
  • Connection to Ambient if any i.e. user of services, family member, supporter
  • Confirm you are happy to work toward our fundraising target!

Send your details to: hello@ambient.org.uk and we will get back in touch with you pronto!



To talk to us about what you need and how we can help, please get in touch.

Working together to improve services.

Our award winning Ambient Guardians are people we support who use Ambient services. They are an Involvement & Co-Production group who are experts by experience, and they are an essential part of the organisation’s Quality team.

The Guardians work in partnership with our staff teams to review, monitor and audit the quality of services with the purpose of driving up our quality and improving the care and support we provide.

Group photo of our Ambient Guardians. They are people we support with learning disabilities who help us with quality checking and audits.


Once a month, the Ambient Guardians get together either in person or online to discuss what’s happening across the charity and give their feedback on any changes that are proposed or any new ideas for consideration. The Guardians can be supported to attend by a staff member if required.

The Guardians make a vital difference to the way Ambient operates and grows. They help to ensure we get it right for the people we support, whether that’s in a supported living service, out in the community or  in a care home. In addition, it’s an opportunity for our Guardians to learn new skills and meet new people – as well as Ambient learn from them.

Ambient also involve the people we support to check on the quality of our services. They’re called the Quality Checkers; a team of people we support from our Learning Disability and Mental Health services who visit projects and sites to conduct audits and hear first hand from the people in the services about the support they receive (visits are currently on pause due to COVID). Feedback from these audits goes though our Quality team and directly to our Board of Trustees.


We want to help you understand social care. Check out The Jargon Buster on our website.

To talk to us about what you need and how we can help, please get in touch.

Raise FREE donations to Ambient Support with EasyFundraising  

With the closure of Smile Amazon, Ambient Support has signed up to be a cause on EasyFundraising so that your everyday shopping can continue to be an opportunity to donate to us. As a charitable organisation, any money we raise is reinvested back into providing more experiences and benefits to our staff and the people we support. 

What is EasyFundraising? 

Launched in 2005, EasyFundraising has raised over £42 million for causes across the UK, and we are now one of them! 

They partner with over 7000 brands who will donate a portion of what you spend with them to a cause of your choice. The cost is covered by the brand, so it never costs you any extra. When you open up a website via the EasyFundraising app, the brand can see that you are visiting through EasyFundraising – and instantly know to make a donation to us if you make a purchase. This is either a percentage of your purchase price, or a fixed rate set out by the brand.  

How to use EasyFundraising  

Getting started with EasyFundraising is easy, you can either use their mobile app, or install a browser extension on your computer so that you get a reminder when a company you’re looking at offers a donation.  

You can set up your free account here by clicking ‘find a cause to support’ and searching for ‘Ambient Support’, then setting up a username and password.  

Watch this quick video to find out how to get started with using the EasyFundraising app: 

Every purchase you make online can help us raise extra funds for our staff and the people we support. It all goes a long way!  

Follow this link to view Ambient’s page and sign up for free today. 


To talk to us about what you need and how we can help, please get in touch.

The work of Ambient Support is governed and overseen by the Board of Trustees.

Trustees are recruited from communities in which Ambient Support operates and they bring with them specialist knowledge of running businesses, charities. Some have direct experience and understanding Health & Social Care having previously worked in the sector.

Trustees govern the charity by setting the strategic direction and business plan; they meet regularly as a Board and through various sub committees.

To find out more about our Board of Trustees, expand the names below.




To talk to us about what you need and how we can help, please get in touch.

Help us to learn and improve our services

Anyone may make a suggestion or complaint about Ambient Support.

We aim to offer a high standard of service in all that we do. Telling us your suggestions or complaints will help us to learn and then improve the services that we provide.

Suggestions or complaints may be made verbally or in writing to us. Watch the video below to learn more:

If you feel comfortable, you should first discuss your thoughts with a member of the Ambient Support staff team. They will probably be able to address any suggestions or concerns that you have.

If you do not feel able to speak to a staff member then you may complete a copy of our complaints form and return it to us at our head office in Woodford Green, Essex.

You can also email us at: hello@ambient.org.uk (please ensure that you provide us with all your contact details so we can get back to you) or call us on 020 8502 3933.

  • We aim to process all suggestions and complaints as quickly as possible.
  • We will thoroughly investigate your query and provide a full response to you within 28 days.
  • If appropriate, Ambient Support will appoint someone independent to investigate your concerns.
  • We will always keep you informed about the progress of your suggestion or complaint and let you know the outcomes from any investigation.
  • We will always seek to find a satisfactory outcome.

Download a copy of our:
Complaint and Feedback Form.

Download an:
Easy Read version of our Complaint and Feedback Form.

View this page in Easy Read.

To talk to us about what you need and how we can help, please get in touch.

Ambient Support takes positive action regarding the employment, retention, training and career development of employees with disabilities.

All employees of Ambient Support are expected to treat disabled colleagues with the same dignity and respect as their non-disabled colleagues.

Any form of harassment or discrimination towards a member of staff with a disability will be taken very seriously at Ambient Support and could be looked upon as possible grounds for disciplinary action.

Disability user symbol

Ambient Support recognises the Disability User Symbol and agrees to comply with the five commitments of the Disability User symbol. Consequently, Ambient Support will:

  • Seek to ensure there is a mechanism in place to discuss at any time, but at least once a year, with disabled employees what can be done to make sure they can develop and use their abilities.
  • If an employee develops a disability, make every effort to help them stay in employment.
  • Act to ensure that all employees develop the appropriate level of disability awareness needed to make these commitments work.
  • Each year to review the five commitments and what has been achieved, plan ways to improve on them and let employees and Jobcentre Plus know about progress and future plans.

The Five Commitments are: 

  • Ensure recruitment processes are inclusive and accessible
  • Communicate and promote vacancies
  • Offer an interview to disabled people
  • Anticipate and provide all reasonable adjustments as required
  • Support any existing employee who acquires a disability or long-term health condition, enabling them to stay in work.

Recruitment and selection

All disabled applicants who meet the minimum criteria for a job vacancy will be granted an interview and we will consider them based on their abilities. Ambient Support will work with Government backed support schemes through Job Centres and Learn Direct to facilitate the employment of those who are long term unemployed and have a disability.

Training for selection panels at Ambient Support will cover the requirements of the Equality Act 2010 and Disability User Symbol.

Consideration will be given to any reasonable adjustments which may be necessary and appropriate at the interview stage, including those which allow the use of technology which would assist the interview process.

Current and new employees

Ambient Support will make any reasonable adjustments to the workplace and to employment arrangements to ensure that a disabled person is not at any disadvantage when compared to a non-disabled person. Ambient Support will make any reasonable changes which may include altering working hours, furniture and access to equipment and additional training. This list is not exhaustive, however, and other adjustments will be considered if necessary.

Support will be given on an ongoing basis with regular assessments of whether an individual needs are being met. Disabled staff will have the same access to training and development as non-disabled staff. Where appropriate, specialist training will be made available to allow staff to develop their skills and exploit all career opportunities available. Venues and methods used will also be appropriate for someone with a disability. When an existing Ambient Support employee becomes disabled, the company will take all reasonable steps to facilitate their continued employment.

Disability support scheme

Staff at Ambient Support who have a disability (as defined under the Equality Act) have the opportunity to see ongoing support under the Ambient Support Disability Support Scheme for staff. Eligible staff can apply to the scheme which works with the individual to identify:

  • The nature and extent of the disability (if not already known).
  • The type and nature of reasonable additional support that may be required (e.g. additional equipment or changes in working practices).
  • Any specific development opportunities that might be put in place to enable disabled employees to more fully utilise their abilities and skills.
  • Any communication or action required in terms of the individuals working relationship with their staff team.
  • Set regular review dates with local management and an HR representative.

Monitoring and review

Monitoring of staff who have a disability as defined under the Equality Act will take place by means of inviting staff to identify that they have a disability and what the disability is once they have been appointed. The information will be kept in confidence in the HR information system which assists with reviewing the employment of disabled people. Reports will be made to the Board on a regular basis as part of an overall report on Diversity Management within the Ambient Support Group.

To talk to us about what you need and how we can help, please get in touch.

Supporting your business to meet its Corporate Social Responsibility

Developing your organisation’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) should not be just a paper exercise. Actually meeting your company’s objectives for CSR can have real and tangible benefits to your business. It can:

  • Help you develop your employees.
  • Boost innovation and fire enthusiasm.
  • Help you attract and retain staff.
  • Increase your reputation and consolidate trust.

At Ambient Support we can help you meet and exceed your CSR objectives through:

  • Real and innovative chances for your staff to get involved.
  • Training and development support for your employees and management teams.
  • Awareness and understanding of techniques to develop resilience.
  • The development of strategies and policies to help manage stress in the workplace.
  • Supporting staff fundraising activities or payroll giving.
  • Offering staff volunteering opportunities, providing them with learning and development opportunities.

Partnering with Ambient Support can enhance your brand values and help you in the delivery of Corporate Social Responsibility.

Call us on 020 8502 3933 to discuss how we can work together.

To talk to us about what you need and how we can help, please get in touch.

Registered Charity Status

Ambient Support is a charitable company limited by guarantee registered with the Registrar of Companies and the Charity Commission. Our registration numbers are as follows:

Registered company number: 07211819
Registered charity number: 1135353

Ambient Support is registered, and therefore licensed to provide services, by the Care Quality Commission (Provider ID: 1-102643235). We are governed by a Board of Trustees who have a wide range of professional backgrounds and act in a voluntary capacity.

Public Benefit

Ambient Support work with beneficiaries who are defined by the consequences of old age, disability and illness. There is no condition of membership to receive services from Ambient Support and eligibility is related to the levels of care and support required in addition to availability of beds/space or staff.

Many people Ambient Support provide services to are likely to be low-income earners whose care and support is funded through statutory agencies either through individual or group funding arrangements. Ambient Support has a policy of limiting the number of people who are able to meet the full cost of their care and support. Trustees place no discretionary restriction on eligibility or access to services, and so the principles of the public benefit requirements placed on the charity are met and are reviewed annually by the trustees.

Amber Housing is not a registered charity so is not obliged to make a formal public benefit statement. However, it works with the disadvantaged providing affordable housing solutions, and would meet the requirements of the Charity Commission on public benefit.

Company Statements

Ambient Support – Slavery And Human Trafficking Statement 

Ambient Support – Gender Pay Gap Monitoring Statement (2021)

Ambient Support – Gender Pay Gap Monitoring Statement (2022)

Ambient Support – Gender Pay Gap Monitoring Statement (2023)

To talk to us about what you need and how we can help, please get in touch.

Quality and Service Excellence

Our aim is to ensure we deliver the highest quality of service for our beneficiaries, be a provider of choice to our sector partners and deliver services that are good value for those who purchase or commission our services.

What does Quality mean to Ambient?

Our Quality Team have worked with the people that use our services to clearly define what quality means to Ambient:

Safe: We act with integrity and compassion to keep people safe, protected from abuse and avoidable harm.

Effective: We provide care and support that has a positive impact and good outcomes that helps people maintain quality of life based on the best available evidence.

Caring: Staff are kind, tolerant inclusive and friendly, treating people with compassion, dignity and respect. We work to create happy environments where people can flourish and grow.

Responsive: Services are innovative, organised and person centred so they support people in the way they want to be supported. We make sure we have two way communications.

Well-led: The leadership, management and governance of the charity is inspirational making sure it provides high quality care based around individual need, encouraging continuous improvement in an honest, accountable and transparent culture

A strategy for improvement

We have developed a clear strategy for how we will improve the quality of our services. It clearly articulates our ambition to be a beacon of excellence and move from position of being good to great.

Quality runs through the Ambient Way, ensuring we offer safe, effective, caring and responsive care and support, under leadership which promotes a supportive and enabling culture and continuous improvement. 

Involvement is equally important. Every person who engages with us has the chance to participate in their care in a way that makes sense to them.

We have an award-winning team of people who use our services called The Ambient Guardians. They work alongside our Quality Team and discuss quality issues affecting our charity, sharing ideas and making sure good practice is embedded across our services.

Sharing learning to drive improvement

We use our annual staff and People We Support survey to review feedback from people we support and our Ambient team, as well as feedback from family and professionals who work with us.

We have a real-time reporting system for all incidents, alerts and near misses, so that learning can take place as quickly as possible and be shared across the whole organisation.

Our Quality Team, alongside our Ambient Guardians work together to identify concerns, review learning and recommendations and agree actions. Along with our other governance mechanisms this ensures we:

  • Deliver against the quality and safety standards identified by national regulators and local commissioners of services.
  • Develop integrated services, ensuring that we provide the right care, in the right place, at the right time.
  • Ensure that we are proactive in preventing errors and learn from mistakes.
  • Ensure the best value for the people we support within the resources available.
  • Support staff in their training and development to ensure that they are equipped to deliver high quality care.
  • Ensure the findings and recommendations from national reports are fully acted upon throughout Ambient Support.
  • Implement national guidance as appropriate and monitor compliance

Ambient Support is accredited by several quality and safety organisations and involved in a number of other initiatives in this area:

Ambient Support is also a member of the following organisations:

Driving Up Quality

Organisations who provide support for people with learning disabilities have signed up to an initiative called the Driving Up Quality Code, to ensure they aim beyond minimum standards to improve the lives of people in their care.

The Driving Up Quality Alliance, which is provider-led, has taken action and developed the code in response to the abuse of people with learning disabilities at Winterbourne View Care Home in 2011, to ensure this can never happen again.

The Driving Up Quality Code sets out 5 key areas that indicate the practices of a good organisation:

  • Support is focused on the person.
  • The person is supported to have an ordinary and meaningful life.
  • Care and support focuses on people being happy and having a good quality of life.
  • A good culture is important to the organisation.
  • Managers and board members lead and run the organisation well.
  • To talk to us about what you need and how we can help, please get in touch.
A service user and carer smile at a phone screen together

To talk to us about what you need and how we can help, please get in touch.

Great Place to Work Logo
Disability Confident logo
Mindful Employer logo
Driving up Quality logo
Fundraising Regulator logo
Chas Logo
Not for Profit Logo