
Robert makes himself a home

Robert moves into his new home and smiles as he unpacks his things

When Robert first began being supported by the Ambient floating support team, he was homeless and misusing alcohol to a degree that put him at high risk of self-neglect and neglect of his environment.

He suffered with low motivation and this was isolating him from his family and the community.

Ambient worked with the Housing Management and Resettlement Team to secure specialist accommodation for people with mental health issues facing homelessness. A small team of workers were identified for Robert, to enable him to build a trusting relationship with them. They planned a visit schedule that suited him best, tailoring the timing to meet his needs, ensuring that he had choice and control over this. During visits, a recovery support plan with clear strength-based goals and necessary actions was created with Robert, reviewed regularly by himself and his care coordinator.

The Ambient team supported him to attend outside appointments and organise his day to day, enabling independence and encouraging structure. Combined with the support of an Occupational Therapist, who developed a graded exposure plan for Robert, they worked on increasing his confidence so that he could use public transport and go out alone.

A consistent, person-centred, flexible approach with Robert was essential to support his progression. Support, Time and Recovery workers highly trained in all aspects of mental health, including dual diagnosis, were committed to Robert’s recovery, and after only six months of working with him, Robert was beginning to feel ready to move into independent accommodation.

He began caring for himself and living space, gaining a pride in his appearance and home. His alcohol consumption reduced drastically, and his newly built confidence allowed him to leave his home on his own. Robert learnt to maintain his mental wellbeing with the support of Ambient, and has made the brave step out of isolation, into an independent secure tenancy within community.

To talk to us about what you need and how we can help, please get in touch.

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